PCT Communicator Assignment
The article A Sounthbound Adventure begins with two people, Christine Martens and John Haffner, who decide to go on an adventure on a thru-hike. They traveled on the Pacific Crest Trail, which they soon found out would have many trails along the way. Even though they prepared by bringing ice axes, crampons, a GPS, maps, a compass, and even extra batteries for the GPS, they still were not prepared for what was yet to come. As they hiked they came across some hikers who were on a snow course, they soon found out that one of the hikers had slipped in the snow and fallen hundreds of feet. This news struck even more fear in their bodies that they had before. Throughout the hike, they went through many high elevations areas that caused them to sometimes get lost in the snow, especially Christina because of her height. They would survive off of jars of Nutella from time to time. Along the way, they met many southbounders. Once they made to Oregon they met many northounders. Every ...