
Showing posts from August, 2019

Test Taking

When taking the test today, I stumbled on a couple of questions. I felt my strongest when the writing portion came. All week, the class analyzed poems. That made the writing potion easier. I think multiple choice question are what I need to focus on more. I also found that with longer poems, I struggle a little more on, but overall I have the concept.

Presenting and Analyzing

   While presenting the poem Because I Could Not Stop For Death, I realized that the poem had a deeper meaning than just death externally. Of course I thought about the speaker pondering death, but never the idea that she could potentially be dead on the inside. When listen to the group after me present their poem I was inspired by the message it gave. Never stop when you reach your highest goal, continue to produce new ones. Messages from poems centuries ago, still carry a heavy weight in today's society. Poetry is a beautiful and fragile thing. 

Because I Could Not Stop for Death

   When analyzing this poem, it was a bit more complex then the last. When annotating, I had to look up definitions and figure out what they symbolized. Once I got that down pact everything was smooth sailing. I also noticed a lot of interesting things about the way Emily Dickinson structured this poem. She capitalized certain words, cut of some phrases and started new lines, and used a lot more of symbolism. I found that many words can have different symbols, but they all correlate. Overall the poem was unique in structure and diction.

Analysis Of Emily Dickinson and Class Discussion

   While explaining the analysis, I realized how a poem can have multiple interpretations. I knew from past courses that this was the case, but usually the class had the same universal idea of what the poem meant. Today, everyone had a different interpretation. I interpreted that the poem may be about someone getting overwhelmed by the memory of a specific event, whereas another student interpreted that the speaker may have been losing their mind. With the explanations of the my peers and Mr. Rease, many other meanings were opened to me. When going to even more depth with then poem, I learned how to break apart the title's individual meaning. In addition, I found that poems have many revelations. One can pull whatever strength they need from any poem. Overall today's lecture opened my eyes to endless meanings and morals that poems have to over.