
Showing posts from October, 2019

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

When I look at myself in the mirror, I see a beautiful, goofy girl on the inside. I see a girl who wants people to know who she really is. The girl's style of very simplistic, yet intriguing. It's not what everybody else tries to look like, but what she wants to look like. There I not really much to her. For her, there is nothing unique. So, I guess you can say I see a normal girl.

Analyzing Sylvia Plath

Today we analyzed the poem "Lady Lazarus" by Sylvia Plath. The poem is very interesting and relates a lot to Plath's personal life. We got into group to analyze the poems. It was very, very complex to understand. After we realized what majority of the poem was about it freaked us out a little, but in an enjoyable way. Overall, the I like Plath's work so far and can't wait to read more.

Mirroring Image

Today was kind of different. I missed some of class due to testing, so when I did enter class a discussion of a poem called Mirrors  was being dicscussed. From what I heard, it sounds very interesting and so does the author. Overall, once I read and anyalyze the poem I think I will enjoy it.

Script Writing October 28th

Today we began writing our scene from Fences. I love doing this because it gives everyone a chance to showcase their creativity. Also, you do not have to abide by the rules when it comes to writing a script. I can't wait to present.

Troy's Ideal

We revisited out paragraphs today. I was a little frustrated towards the end of class. For some reason, I'm struggling with writing. I don't know why, seeing I've been writing all my life. All I need to do is practice to make improvements.


Today, we saw the play Franken stein . In my opinion, it was better that Dracula . I cannot wait to read it. I have some question so hopefully the literary work will help.

Constructing Ideals

So today, we discussed our ideal of the world. Most were similar, but different. Afterwards, we had to construct the ideals of characters from Fences . It was fairly easy to do this task, seeing throughout the play we constantly characterized each individual. We then had to analyze a prompt and correlate the ideals with the prompt. While in groups we constructed a thesis statement and paragraph. Even though this something I do all the time, it was a very puzzling process. Overall, I just have to work on putting my thought into formal writing. Once I do that, it'll be a piece of cake.

Ending Fences

In class today, we finushed reading Fences . It was a very interesting ending, yet confusing. Troy's funeral was taking place, Cory decided not to go. We had a discussion on whether he should have went or not. We also reviewed an AP prompt and applied it to the play.

The Aftermath

Today, we reviewed to work on constructing a paragraph correctly. Afterwards, we continued to read Fences . It was interesting to see that after srlix months, Troy and Rose were still living together. We also read that Alberta died in childbirth and Rose agreed to take care of the baby girl. I can't wait to finish this play.

Critical Thinking Questions

Today , we revisited poems and answered Critical Thinking Questions. It was more of chill day. There wasn'tuch happening, but hopefully we finish Fences tomorrow because I want to see how it ends.

The Turning Point October 16

While reading Fences , we found out the truth about Troy. This scene opened up my eyes to see why Troy is the way he is. His father left at a young age, leaving Troy to grow up at a young age. This is why expects so much out of Cory. It seem Troy want to be out of some type of bondage. We also anaylzed Troy and Rose's relationship. It interesting to learn what they lack in their marriage.

Revisiting Macbeth Essay

In class today, reviewed the essays we wrote for Macbeth. It helped me a lot seeing that I did struggle with the prompt. Also, I had a hard time articulating my ideas. For instance, the things that I thought I was trying to say were what was in the essay. Overall, this was a great opportunity to improve on writing and knowing what the prompt is asking for.

Auburn University

Nothing much was done today. During class, a recruiter from Auburn visited. It gave me more insight on the college and what they have to offer. Even though I pretty much have my mind set on where I want go, I still keep it as an option.

Fences Furthermore

Today we just read more of Fences . We analyzed what we've read so far. As we read, I find out more and more about the characters. For example, I think that Troy is one way, but he is actually another way. The more I learn about the characters past, I understand why they are the way they are.

Starting a New Work of Art

Today we began reading the play Fences . I think this is going to be my favorite by far this year. It's relatable and humorous. I think I have a thing for string female leads because Rose is my favorite character so far. She is fierce and not afraid of to speak her mind or the truth. Troy seems to need agreement/approval from his surroundings, also stay in the past. He seems like the type that cannot see past what has happened in the world historically. For Bono, he seems like a cool companion for Troy, but keeps his individuality. I'm excited to see what will become of this work!

Analyzing Prose

Today we went over what question two would be like on the AP exam. Prose is the foundation of the question. We answered critical thinking question to help us get a better understanding of the story before we continued. I just I hope I learn how to do this in fifteen minutes for the AP exam.

Pop Quiz

Today we took a quiz on The Yellow Wallpaper . It was not hard, but it still was an obstacle for me. I still have trouble with noticing key words in the answer choices, which is why I believe I'm not confident in my answers. Hopefully the problem will be solved before the AP test comes.


Today was chill. There was a school testing, so there wasn't much to do. We played a Kahoot on The Yellow Wallpaper . Hopefully, I win next time.

The Ending

Today's class discussion was intriguing. We talked about the main character in the short story we were reading and it was nice to hear everyone's opinion. We finished the story up, the ending was the best part. The narrator, which we later found out name was Jane, went completely crazy. Some of my peers saw it as here becoming herself again, but truth is she went crazy. This all over some wallpaper. It's the simplest things that drive one crazy. That's what I got out of the story. Hopefully we read more stories like this. Overall, I enjoyed today's class.