PCT Communicator Assignment

   The article A Sounthbound Adventure begins with two people, Christine Martens and John Haffner, who decide to go on an adventure on a thru-hike. They traveled on the Pacific Crest Trail, which they soon found out would have many trails along the way. Even though they prepared by bringing ice axes, crampons, a GPS, maps, a compass, and even extra batteries for the GPS, they still were not prepared for what was yet to come. As they hiked they came across some hikers who were on a snow course, they soon found out that one of the hikers had slipped in the snow and fallen hundreds of feet. This news struck even more fear in their bodies that they had before. Throughout the hike, they went through many high elevations areas that caused them to sometimes get lost in the snow, especially Christina because of her height. They would survive off of jars of Nutella from time to time. Along the way, they met many southbounders. Once they made to Oregon they met many northounders. Every town they would stop in they would takes showers and shave to deal with hygiene. After Oregon the reached Washington and viewed many mountains. Then they set off to Canada. while they were they were Oregon, wildfires ran them off the trail, which made it challenging to find it again. They struggled with long walks with no water and even had to bypass an area where there was no other way around the fire. In order to survive they had to ask locals where they find there resources. They were getting closer to the Sierra in California, which the to said that walking up the trail "felt like stairs". They eventually had to leave the PCT if they wanted to make it to Canada. They were beginning to run low on food, so they would take leftovers from hikers on other trails. To conclude this summary, they reached their destinations while running low on water and other resources. Ending their thru-hike with a simple note saying "Congratulations, Southbounders".

Fact 1: PCT stands for Pacific Crest Trail.
Fact 2: That crampons are a metal plate with spikes fixed to a boot for walking on ice or rock climbing.
Fact 3: Even though crampons are used to help hikers, they weigh them down a lot. 

Two Interesting Things:
1. That thru-hikes cam take longer than expected.
2. Many locals travels long distances and back.

Unanswered Questions:
1. When the two got ran of the trail by wildfires, how long did it take them to find it again?
2. Did the hiker who slipped in the snow survive?

1. Southbounders - hikers heading to the south
2. Northbounders-  hikers heading to the north

 This text reminded me of the time my family and I did a 5k run. It was challenging because you had to stay hydrated and be able to run a long distance with great breath control. In the end we completed the the run and treated ourselves to frozen yogurt.


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