
Showing posts from January, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis (I Have A Dream Speech)

   Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a vision about what the future would be like. To portray his vision to an audience he used the rhetorical devices repetition. allusion, and alliteration.      In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's I Have A Dream speech he uses repetition to fill the audience with determination and inspiration. For example, throughout a section of the speech King repeats the words "Go back to". By doing this it creates an atmosphere of determination. He is determined by faith that every person of color will get their share of equality and be brought out of suffering. Another example is when King repeated "Let freedom ring". These words opened up a window for inspiration to be poured out and heart to open. Here King addressed states by a famous landmark or physical feature that they are known for. Doing this provoked the audience to be filled with joy and confidence through the crisis they were experiencing.    Throughout the speech King uses allusion.

Vocabulary Assignment

Blunders- a stupid or careless mistake Absurd- wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate Inciting- encourage in or stir Incongruous- not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something Ridicule- the subjection of someone or something to contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior Mortification- great embarrassment and shame Stalwart- loyal, reliable, and hardworking Allied- joined by relating to members of an alliance Frolicking- animal/person that plays and moves about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically Jeering- making rude or mocking remarks, typically in loud voice    As Brandon went frolicking around the courtyard, he noticed an absurd object on the ground near the benches. He studied the object carefully to find that it was an injured baby bird. He carried this look of mortification as he walked around the campus because he was frightened about how the other students would ridicule jeer at him. In this event he blunders on tryi

My Ideal American Dream

My ideal of the American Dream is to have a job that is consistent and proficient, being able to provide for my family without struggle, and being truly happy with myself inside and out. Having a consistent and proficient job means having the funds to keep good credit and continue a better life for my family. In an ideal American life, anyone would want their family to be happy and healthy. Therefore being able to provide for my family with very little struggle would be apart of my ideal American Dream. Another thing would have to be being happy with myself. Without happiness there is no such thing as a dream. With that being said, this is an necessity in my American Dream. In addition unity is a very big part of my American Dream. With unity so many things can be accomplished and supported. Things could be more organized and structure. Togetherness would be what would make this country better than what it is right now. There would not be anything such as one side not agreeing and the

!st Semester and 2nd Semester Paragraph

One thing I learned last semester was time management when writing a essay. I learned that planning out the essay makes writing the essay easier and faster. One thing I need to work on is being more specific in the writings. Sometimes in my writings I tend to be very vague, which makes it harder to comprehend. One thing I want to learn is how to take a short story, poem, etc and pulling every detail needed to write an essay that will get me an high rated essay.