My Ideal American Dream

My ideal of the American Dream is to have a job that is consistent and proficient, being able to provide for my family without struggle, and being truly happy with myself inside and out. Having a consistent and proficient job means having the funds to keep good credit and continue a better life for my family. In an ideal American life, anyone would want their family to be happy and healthy. Therefore being able to provide for my family with very little struggle would be apart of my ideal American Dream. Another thing would have to be being happy with myself. Without happiness there is no such thing as a dream. With that being said, this is an necessity in my American Dream. In addition unity is a very big part of my American Dream. With unity so many things can be accomplished and supported. Things could be more organized and structure. Togetherness would be what would make this country better than what it is right now. There would not be anything such as one side not agreeing and the other not. There would not be a such thing as people having to sacrificing their jobs unwillingly because of an individual who decided to take it upon himself to cause everything to fall out of place because he is not getting what he thinks is right. With unity everyone would be on one accord and come together to a common ground. It would be easier to peacefully negotiate disagreements without sacrifices causing families to suffer. These four things are the main factors in my American Dream.


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