
Showing posts from September, 2019

The Symbolism of Wallpaper

Today we read a short story full of diary entries. Today by far was one of my favorite days because the stories were so interesting. The woman is suffering from postpartum depression and is driving herself crazy about this yellow, tacky wallpaper. We haven't finished yet, but I can't wait to see what happened at the end.

Reviewing Thesis

Personally, thesis statements are my strongest things to form when writing. I'm not the best writer, but when it comes to forming a thesis or thesis statement, it is something that's natural to me. Today, we reviewed what a thesis statement was and the different ways to write them. The only thing was when we had to construct a umbrella thesis statement. Those are the worst to me. I can do any other one, but umbrellas are the worst. It going to be a challenge doing them from now on, but I'll be proud when I can do them easily.

Discussing Macbeth

Today was one of my favorite days. I love love having class discussions. The students can bring their own thoughts and opinions to the class. We also helps when the teacher chimes in to help us understand. I love class discussions because when it comes time to write an essay, it is a thousand time easier.

Analyzing Prompts

We finished Macbeth today. Afterwards, we given prompts to brainstorm. The process was seemingly easy. I think because of the practice I had last year, it kind of came naturally. Writing the essay may be the tricking part. Overall, today was a simple day.

Writing My Rose Lee Story

Today, we did an activity where we had to generate our own character and create our own story based off of that character. It was fun, but at the same time required is to think a bit logically. Also, we nearly finished Macbeth and I think I know what is about to happen. Here's My Story:    After dropping her kids off at school, Rose Lee got on the phone with their father. They had a major argument on how the father never pays child support and never visits the kids. The father explained he felt that it was not his duty to pay child support, regardless of what the judge has to say, since she made more than enough to take care of the children. The explanation as to why he does not visit the kids was never spoken about. Rose felt it was more about responsibility, rather than what she made on a day-to-day basis. To let off some steam, she called her best friend Susan. In which, she suggested that they should go to the nail shop to relieve some stress. As Rose was finishing up with he

Continue Macbeth

Today was another day where we just read Macbeth. It changed my mindset of a lot of characters. The number one being Macbeth. He went from being more of a strong, yet timid character to a monster. Truth be told Lady Macbeth is now trying to calm him down, even though she made him as he is. I cant wait to see how the ending turns out.

Continue Macbeth

Today was another day where we just read Macbeth. It changed my mindset of a lot of characters. The number one being Macbeth. He went from being more of a strong, yet timid character to a monster. Truth be told Lady Macbeth is now trying to calm him down, even though she made him as he is. I cant wait to see how the ending turns out.

Acting Out Creation

Our scene was horrifying. Even though there was a lot of inprove, it still felt empty. I think while we were creating the play we got the idea, but once we had to perform, it was a different story. I really enjoyed the other groups scene. They were well developed and thought out. Also, some impersonations of celebrities were funny

Creating Macbeth

Today, we got the opportunity write our own seen for Macbeth. My group had the topic: What if Macbeth did not go through with Lady Macbeth's plans. We also had to make the character's act as celebrities. That part was fun, seeing that we had to think of celebrities with the attributes of the characters. Writing the play was even better because we got to make it our own. Overall, today was fun.

Open-ended with Macbeth

In class today, we studied the new rubric for AP Literature and Composition. Compared to last year it is a little bit more easier, but still has its challenges. We did some practice with the new rubric to get a feel of it and I think with some practice I'll really get the hang of it. We read a little more of Macbeth. We found out Lady Macbeth is planning to do in order to kill King Duncan. I thought it was interesting to see that Lady Macbeth had to convince Macbeth that things will be fine as they began to initiate their plans. Usually it is the guy who tries to convince the woman that everything will go as planned. Furthermore, making it even more easier to note Lady Macbeth as my favorite character thus far.

Analyzing Macbeth

Today we took a mini quiz on Macbeth. It helped me to understand the text much better than when I first read the first couple of scenes. There was a very chill vibe in the class, therefore my concentration was more focused my work.

Lady Macbeth the Powerful

We began reading Macbeth. I was intrigued from the first line. It was fun and hilarious hearing my peers take on the characters, I felt my take on Ross was boring. I found that my favorite character is Lady Macbeth. She is very strong-minded, confident, and determined. Although, the actions she is putting forth is negative actions, I like the traits she carries. She also has a unique way with her words and is not afraid to say what on her mind. It kind of reminds me of myself. She also is not afraid to stand up to Macbeth when it comes down to business. Hopefully she does not become to bad of a person. Overall, I enjoyed today's class.

Never Forgetting 9/11

Today is 9/11. I expect that in every class we would watch as video and learn things that the majority if teachers talk about each year on this day. Today, though we actually analyzed what it meant to be American. What a hero and patriot is and who each others personal America heros are. This made me think about who I want to be personally in the future, what kind if hero/role model I want to be.

Post Macbeth

Today was and an overview of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. I was really engaged in the lecture and class discussion. We had to answer some critical thing questions, as well as rate some life statements. It was interesting to here my peers beliefs and outlooks on things, it also gave me ideas where I can better myself as an individual. Overall, I enjoyed today's lesson and am looking forward to reading and analyzing Macbeth .

Chill Day

Today was more of a chill day. There wasn't much to do, since no work was left. I enjoyed today.

University of South Alabama

Today I went to a USA recruiting session. I asked questions and so did several of my peers. It really opened my mind up about the university. Even though I did not see my major on the early program page, it made me want to look deeper into a back up plan. I look forward to hearing from them more!

Analyzing Sonnet 29

   Today in class we analyzed Sonnet 29, it was fairly easy. With all the practice I have had in the past couple of days, the process was simple. I worked in a group as well. There were many ideas on what each line was about. I interpreted on line one way, yet another peer thought differently. We discussed why we thought the line meant what it meant. Once we settled that, paraphrasing was easy. As I said before the process was pretty simple, considering all the practice I had previously.

Dance (Sonnet)

Five, Six, Seven, Eight music to my ears(a) Breaking Barriers through grace and poise, too(b) Using movement leaping through their scarred fears(a) Just as one with the infamous, torn blue(b) Happy, prancing light on feet of glory(c) Brightly taking big steps of Praise and Joy(d) Worshipping with confidence and strength, free(c) There for everyone to stand and enjoy(d) Surely things will come to pass and prosper(e) If I keep moving, dancing with war (f) My Heart of Gold will be filled with shelter(e) Forever and ever and ever more(f) However, stopping could halt my dreams(g) But, it will never happen so it seems (g)

Writing My Own Sonnet

To me writing a sonnet is a challenge. There are so many things you have you have to keep in kind when writing the poem. It is not the rhyming or limiting yourself to 14 lines. It making sure the iambic pentameter lines up. As well as the syllables making sense. At first, I thought the task would be easy, but once I started it was even more challenging. With every stanza there has to be a different meaning or theme, yet the poem had to has to contain the same overall them. That was a challenge as well. Overall the experience was great.

Sonnets and Pentameter

Today was more of review. When it came to meter and feet, I somewhat learned it my freshman year. I did not understand it that much before, but today gave me more clarity on the subject. As for William Shakespeare, I love his work. I was excited that this lesson was going to be over Shakespeare's work. I enjoyed reading Sonnet 18, as well as analyzing it.