Writing My Rose Lee Story

Today, we did an activity where we had to generate our own character and create our own story based off of that character. It was fun, but at the same time required is to think a bit logically. Also, we nearly finished Macbeth and I think I know what is about to happen.
Here's My Story:
   After dropping her kids off at school, Rose Lee got on the phone with their father. They had a major argument on how the father never pays child support and never visits the kids. The father explained he felt that it was not his duty to pay child support, regardless of what the judge has to say, since she made more than enough to take care of the children. The explanation as to why he does not visit the kids was never spoken about. Rose felt it was more about responsibility, rather than what she made on a day-to-day basis. To let off some steam, she called her best friend Susan. In which, she suggested that they should go to the nail shop to relieve some stress. As Rose was finishing up with her nails, a tall man caught her eye. He was walking in with the woman, his sister maybe. She went in for a pedicure, he sat next to the window waiting. Rose decided to go to the back to wash her hands. Micheal, not knowing, had to go to the restroom which was also in the back. When they both came from doing what they had to do, they bumped into each other. Both Rose and Micheal were intrigued by each other, but went their separate ways. While Micheal sat waiting, he thought about him and his wife: the lady he brought to the nail shop. He thought about all the arguments they had been having and that maybe his love for her was dying. He decided to treat her to the nail shop to probably make up for everything, but felt that nothing was enough. As Rose and Susan were leaving, Micheal told his wife he left his wallet in the car and followed them outside. He made plans to meet up with Rose again. She not knowing he had a wife. Some time has passed now, they have gone on a couple dates. Rose now has her own nail shop, mansion, Rolls Royce. Her major goals in life. The only thing was her and Micheal were not married yet. She would sometimes question herself on why. She soon find out why. Their last date was something she would never forget. They went to a nice candle-lit dinner, Micheal was getting ready to propose, when they were interrupted.  His wife came in yelling, screaming, and swearing at Micheal. Rose confused learned who the lady was and was astonished. The wife took her wedding ring threw it over the balcony and Rose ran away. From that point on she had never spoken a word to Micheal. All her goals that she achieved meant nothing. All this time, she thought she wanted this big nail shop, a bigger house, and a bigger car. When in reality, what she really wanted was true love.


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