Oridnary Day

Today was like any other day. Yet, there was a huge eye opener for me. We were discussing what a true reflection was and I realized I'd been doing it this wrong the she time. I have noticed a lot of things about this class recently. I realized that this class is not only a core class, but it's a class of life taught through literature. Anytime we read something, somehow it relates to us as individuals. That's what I love about this class. Today we began reading The Canterbury Tales, the Wife of Bath's tale to be exact. It proposed the question of what women really desire. Right there is where we related to our own lives. I felt that what a woman desires stems from things they have experienced. So when was revealed that women desire dominance, it helped me realize what women desire stems from things that they were stripped of for centrues. With all of this being said I was more than happy that there was a man who could illustrate something like this. I cannot wait to continue reading!


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