Pardon Me?

Today we read The Pardoner's Tale. I enjoyed it, but it's not my favorite. I like the revelations it pours out as you read about the Pardoner and his tale. We talked about the love of money being the root of all evil. As we spoke on this subject, I thought about if my future job is because of money or because I really love it. I enjoy science, math, innovating, and building new ideas. This is why I'm going into the engineering field, but with that comes a decent amount of money. I have always wanted to be an engineer since elementary school, money did not come into the picture until last year. Engineering is my dream, but I don't want things to steer off into how much money I will make. I also don't want it to block my purpose. I believe my purpose in life is to help others when I can and show other individuals like me that you can do anything you put your mind to. With being a African American female, the work place can be a very difficult setting to dwell in. I want other people of my color, especially females, to know that we are better than what society portrays. That we can prove them wrong. I feel like accomplishing this dream will be able to speak for that.


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