The Beauty of Blackness

   Today in class, we discussed the topic of black culture. My school is predominantly black, so this topic had a lot of passion. We watched a video about an african american senior, who was told he would not be able to come back to school and even graduate unless he cuts his dreadlocks. I was really infuriated when I saw this. If we face the facts, the people on the outside are only afraid of our culture because they do not understand it. Yes, we come in different shapes and shades. We are innovators, we find new way to express ourselves. We do not a confine ourselves to fit in, we have no problem being different or stepping outside of society's box. The people on the outside, only see what makes us "bad"to make themselves feel superior. How come we are never shown in the light? Why are we protrayed as a bad influence. We are no different than any other race. There are times when we do rebel violently. For some its out of anger, others that is all they know. Honestly, everyone does it in some form. Blacks are just singled out for it, so it can cover up what everyone else does. I am speaking in general, not to everyone. Majority rules in this case. What does black mean to me? It means powerful, majestic, and great. We as communtity are powerful because of our will to fight for what is right, being able to find the light in this cruel would we live in, and our gift to still be prosperous even when outsiders want us to disappear. We are majestic for the way we continue to beat the odds and carry on our legacy. We are great because of where we come from, our orgins, ancestors. The reason I decided to be an engineer and set a goal out to recieve my master's degree is because I want to respresent my people. I want to be able to show the opposing side that the sky is our limit. No obstacle set forth can stop us. I want to show black children that feel that there is no way out, that there is. I love engineering, of course, but this is my motivation. I know one day I will be able to go to classrooms filled with students just as I am now and say "WE CAN DO IT!" I am just tired of the injustice and degrading words that are spoken on us. With all of this being said, I enjoyed today's class.


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