Tired of Seeing C's

Today in class, we finished reading The Wife Bath's Tale. I found it intriguing because I knew in the end what would happen, but I found that there was a deeper meaning to what actually happened. I figured that the old woman would become beautiful in some way, but not through domimance. I admired this short story because of how well written it was and how shined a light on women having power of men. How it is not that bad. Afterwards, we took a short quiz on the story. I was very upset with the grade on it, I feel that I work hard to achieve what I want. For some reason, my multiple choice grades are not improving. I believe it I'd because when it comes to test, I have really bad anxiety. I second guess myself a lot. I am going to put more effort into my testing skills and hopefully improve. My goal is to make an A in the class for the whole semester.


  1. I completely understand your struggles with multiple choice, it is the sworn enemy of second guessing! When it comes to any test, it is easy to panic and lower your chances of passing, but as long as you practice different ways to lower your anxiety and confidence, you will be fine! Mental fortitude is just as crucial as academic prowess.


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