
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Kite Runner: Reflection 6

Chapter 10 was a rollercoaster. Amir and Baba are traveling to Pakistan, a character named Karim is the driver. They travel through many cities, in order to reach their destination. One of the Russian soldiers had their eye set on a man's wife. He wanted to have some alone time with her as an exchange for the price of giving the family a ride. The husband responded with saying they paid him enough. Baba ended up interfering with the situation, trying to be the hero. Amir also felt embarrased while on the ride because of his motion sickness. There was conflict between Baba and Karim. Baba tried to kill Karim because of the predicament they were in. Towards the end of the chapter there was a mass of chaos. Kamal's father was crying for his son to come back to life. As a result Kamal killed Karim.

The Kite Runner: Reflection 5

Chapter 9 is probably the most sorrowful yet. In this chapter, Amir recieved gifts from Baba. He had nonchalent attititude towards them, but he did recieve one of the best bycicles out there. The best gift Amir seemed to recieve was a gift Ali and Hassan had got him. It was a rendition of a book he previously had that was tattered and worn. Later on in the chapter, Amir got money from his stack of gifts as well as some of the gifts in the stack. He put them in the shack where Hassan lived. No too long afterwards, a meeting was held in Baba's office. Baba asked if Hassan had stolen the items that once belonged to Amir. Hassan replied with a simple yes. This lie soon ended the life that Amir had lived all of his years of living. We find that Hassan new the while time and told Ali. Ali made the decision to leave. He decided they were going to move to Hazarajat with his cousin. This devestated Baba, knowing he was losing his life long friend. Amir finally had seen the pain he had cause

The Kite Runner: Reflection 4

   Chapter 8 begans sort of slow. Amir is explaining how his father and two dozens of others traveled to Jalalabad. Amir gets motion sickness and ruins his cousin's dress. Later on in the chapter, the corruption of Amir's secret begins to settle in. Some time has passed after the rape of Hassan that Amir witnessed. He still has yet to tell anyone. On the trip, when everyone else is sleeping, Amir whispers that he watched Hassan get raped. He explained he wished someone heard him so he could feel free. This event helped me to see the vunerable side of Amir. The only reason he feel the way he does it because he is trapped by the truth. If I was there, I would tell Amir it is okay to feel gulity, bur the truth will come out somehow. Another thing that is displayed in this chapter is the continuation of Amir and Hassan's complex relationship. It is said that Hassan tried multiple times to regain the original spark they had, but in anger and fear, Amir responded negatively. Here

The Kite Runner: Reflection 3

Chapter 6 is by far one of my favorite chapters. Amir discusses what winter break is like in Afghanistan. One of the biggest similarities between the U.S's winter break and Afghaistan's is how excited all the students are when it finally comes. A major difference is how some students stay back to take voluntary winter-courses. I'm assuming it is something like summer school here without the volunteering. Further along in this chapter, Amir discusses the kite flying competitions that would go on. There was a contrast shown between Amir and his father when Baba asked Amir if he was going to win the tournament. This obviously ignites something in Amir to want to win, yet it suggest that the fire was not in him prior to this conversation. Now, we reach the part where we find out why Amir really wants to win. It is not to live up to his father's past accomplishments, but to gain that fatherly attention he longs for. The chapter ends with a meeting being held in Baba's of

The Kite Runner: Reflection 2

Chapter 4 really interesting me. I made multiple connections with Amir. I made a connection with him when he completed his first story. It reminded me of the times in elementary and middle school where we had to write our own fictional stories. I would be proud when teachers said my writings were outstanding. I was also intrigued at how Baba never called Ali his friend and how it connected to Hassan's and Amir's relationship. The way of living for the character's was introduced as well. I was amazed at how Ali and Hassan have to  care for Baba and Amir. In chapter 5, 

The Kite Runner: Reflection 1

   To introduce the class, we gave presentaions of Afghanistan's background. I found the diffrences in their culture amusing. We began reading The Kite Runner. As of right now I have began to read chapters 2 and 3. So far in chapter 2, close friends Amir and Hassan has been announced. The history of their friendship is being explained as well as the differences between Hassan's houshold and Amir's household. One thing I found interesting was how Sanaubar, Hassan's mother, treated Ali and the reputation she carried. My heart dropped when the soldier made fun of Hassan because of his mother. He never knew his mother since she died 5 days after he was born, so I cannot imagine how he feels when he hears things as such about his mother. I believe it because of how people portrayed Sanaubar, that she treated Ali and Hassan that way. Now in chapter 3, I was introduced to some of Baba's history. Especially, from his childhood. He believes the only sin is theft and every ot

From The Eye of The Audience

    Unlike yesterday, I was the audience of my classmates. I enjoyed the recitations that were performed. Overall, I loved the fact that we as a class laughed together and had a great time. I hope we do something like this again soon. We recieved the new novel we will be reading in class, The Kite Runner  by Khaled Hosseini. From the reviews I read, it is going to be a great novel. I cannnot wait until we began reading tomorrow!

From The Eye of The Presenter

I really do not know how to start this blog off. I recited the poem "Equality" by Maya Angelou. In my opinion, I performed horribly. I was upset because I have been preparing for this since last week. Not to mention I recited it at church so that I could get used to it. Even with all of that, I still failed. I was embarrassed because of the fact that I worked hard, yet it seemed like I did everything the night before. Maybe next time I'll do better.

A Mother Son Relationship

Today's class was centered around the relationship between a mother and her son. It made me think about single mother's relationships with their sons. I find a lot of times single mother's are put down, but they a houses of stength in my eyes. To raise kids alone in a household is a hard task. So applaud them. Overall, today was great!

Field Trip



Today I noticed a change in how I take notes. Last year, I struggled to take notes that I could understand. Here's what they look like.

Myths and Music

Today's class was great, I enjoyed it. To start, we discussed our own connections to music as well as the defintions of the words myth and music We analyzed the poem The Myth of Music . This poem made me think of how in a couple of months I will be in a college class, my childhood memories will be replaced with new ones. One of the only ways to regain those memories is through music. It is kind of bittersweet to know that I am about to start the chapter in my life labeled "Adulthood". I feel that once I get to college, I will be homesick. That music will be there to comfort me through that hard time and remind me of great memories.