The Class of Quarantine

   This week I found out that all the schools in my county are shut down! Honestly, I knew this was going to happen because my friends in Georgia said that their school shut down. I am not that upset about it, I'm just grateful that we still are still graduating on time. We also found out that our AP test are going to be online as well. Of course, there's a good and bad side to this. On another note, I began to look through the book for poetry based free response questions. I did this due to the fact that this is most likely what the test will be on. I also went through the multiple choice quiz on AP Classroom. It was fairly easy since it was more poetry based, but I started to to lose focus towards the middle of the quiz. So that's something I need to work on. Overall, this week was great. Well, besides having to stay in the house.😂😂


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