The Kite Runner: Reflection 8

   In chapter 20, Amir and Farid are on their way to Kabul. Amir experiences his first encounter with the Taliban. Farid tells Amir not to look at their eyes. This kind of paralleled to the Afghan culture with women. Soon after, a beggar walks up. Of course, he asked for money. What he had in exchange was priceless. It turns out he taught at the same school as Amir's mother. He could not remember much, he mentioned the food they shared and what she was afraid of. That was enough for Amir. Finally, they reached the orphanage. They asked for Sohrab, but the man at the door hesistated. When Amir reassured the man, known as Zaman, who he was he let them in. They found out a dark secret about the orphange when looking for Sohrab. Every once in the while, children would be sold. This made Farid unhappy, he nearly killed Zaman. At the end, both Amir and Farid set out, once again, to find Sohrab.


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